The UCL Practitioner
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
"Law Students Create Blawgs to Recount Their Experiences"
Today's Daily Journal has the story, with links to Nuts and Boalts, Prettier Than Napoleon (fka Class Maledictorian), and Sua Sponte (which has an enormous blogroll of other law student blawgers). "I've seen people reading my blog in class, and it's just flattering that I am more interesting than law professors," the article quotes one law student blawger as saying.

When I was in law school (1989-1992), there was no internet. And only one person ever brought a laptop to class. I recall hearing that she needed it due to some kind of physical disability, and I remember the vociferous controversy over whether laptops should be permitted in class, the distraction of the clicking sounds, etc. She was relegated to the very back of the room, where there was an outlet. But we did have Westlaw. And I wrote my law review article on an original 128K Macintosh.
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