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Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Articles on Proposition 64 and retroactivity
UPDATE: The petition for review in Krumme cites this post. I'm flattered. Please click here for a discussion of why this post should have no bearing on whether review is granted in Krumme.
Here are all the online articles I've located so far that discuss Proposition 64. Most of them mention the retroactivity question. With the exception of the CJAC article, they are all by large defense firms, whose attorneys have an incentive to promptly issue client "alerts" on new legal developments. There are strong arguments against Proposition 64 retroactivity, as the Twomey order demonstrates. These articles do not mention the anti-retroactivity arguments, so plaintiffs' lawyers should not feel discouraged after reading them.
"California Initiative Limits Scope of State Unfair Competition Law, Adding New Standing Requirement and Eliminating 'Private Attorney General' Actions; Changes May Apply to All Pending Cases," by Sidley Austin Brown & Wood LLP
"California Prop. 64 Imposes Standing Requirement on Business & Professions Code Section 17200 Actions," by Thelen Reid & Priest LLP
"California Prop. 64 Reins In Victimless Unfair Competition Consumer Lawsuits," by Latham & Watkins
"California Voters Approve Major Changes to B&P 17200: Passage of Proposition 64 Signals Victory for State’s Businesses, Employers," by Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe
"California Voters Approve Proposition 64, Adding Standing and Class Action Requirements to California's Unfair Competition and False Advertising Laws," by Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher
"California Voters Limit Private Enforcement of Unfair Competition Law," by Pillsbury Winthrop LLP
"Californians Vote to Amend Infamous 'Private Attorney General' Statute," by O'Melveny & Myers LLP
"Litigation Update - California Proposition 64," by Hancock, Rothert & Bunshoft LLP
"Passage of Prop 64 Provides Some Relief," by Foley & Lardner LLP
"Proposition 64: A Major Change in the Unfair Competition Law," by Cooley Godward LLP
"Proposition 64 Modifies California's Unfair Competition Law," by Arnold & Porter LLP
"Proposition 64 Reforms California's Notoriously Unfair Competition Law, and May Apply to Currently Pending Cases," by Reed Smith
"Proposition 64, titled 'Limits on Private Enforcement of Unfair Business Competition Laws,' Passes Easily in California," by Nixon Peabody LLP
"Proposition 64 - When Does It Take Effect and to What Cases Does It Apply?," by the Civil Justice Association of California
"Voters Approve Amendments to California's Unfair Competition Law," by Sedgwick, Detert, Moran & Arnold LLP
"Voters Rein In California's Unfair Competition Law - Actual Injury Required," by Collier Shannon Scott, PLLP
"Why Proposition 64 Should Be Effective Immediately and Retroactively," by Rutan & Tucker, LLP
- posted by Kim Kralowec @ 5:30 AM

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