The UCL Practitioner
Sunday, July 31, 2005
BlogHer 2005
I attended the BlogHer conference in Santa Clara yesterday, and it was great! I met Carolyn Elefant, Denise Howell, Matthew Homann (yes, men were invited to BlogHer), and Cathy Kirkman was also there. It got me thinking about women law bloggers and the fact that most law bloggers are men. Of the California Law Blogs listed in my sidebar, only three are by women (including mine, and not including anonymously-authored blogs). It was wonderful to be part of a group of enormously smart and talented women bloggers yesterday, but where are the rest of the female law bloggers?

UPDATE: The front page of yesterday's Chronicle had an article on BlogHer (written before it began): "The Feminine Blogstique."

[Technorati tag: BlogHer]
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